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Introduction to Microcontroller Programming

About PICmicro Chips

Clocking Your PICmicro Devices


Flowcode Step By Step

PICmicro Projects


Introduction and Lesson Plan

Flowcourse lesson plan

From this point on, to do all the labs, you will need:
  • Flowcode 4
  • E-Blocks Multiprogrammer
  • E-Blocks LED board
  • E-Blocks Switch board
  • E-Blocks LCD board
AStep-by-step 1-8Take time to work through the step-by-step section from the first lesson up till the lesson on the 'Goto' or Connection Point icon.
BHelp fileTake time to get to know your way around the help file inside Flowcode. You will have to be able to use the help file whenever you get stuck.
Part Title Estimated time
C Lab 1 - Output 3 - 4 hours
D Lab 2 - Delay 1 - 2 hours
E Lab 3 - Connection Point 1 - 2 hours
F Lab 4 - Calculations 1 - 2 hours
G Lab 5 - Loop 2 - 3 hours
H Lab 6 - Input 3 - 4 hours
I Lab 7 - Decision 5 - 6 hours
J Lab 8 - LCD 5 - 7 hours
Total 21 - 30 hours
From this point on, to do all the exercises, you will need:
  • Flowcode 4
  • E-Blocks Multiprogrammer
  • E-Blocks LED board
  • E-Blocks Switch board
  • E-Blocks LCD board
  • E-Blocks Keypad board
  • E-Blocks Sensor board
  • E-Blocks 7-seg. board
  • E-Blocks Patch board
  • LM35 or LM34 temp sensor
KStep-by-step 9-12Take time to work through the Step-by-step section from 7-segment display onwards.
Part Title Estimated time
L Lab 9 - Keypad 5 - 8 hours
M Lab 10 - Analogue + EEPROM 8 - 11 hours
N Lab 11 - Software Macro 1 - 2 hours
O Lab 12 - External Interrupt 3 - 4 hours
P Lab 13 - Timer Interrupt 7 -10 hours
Total 24 - 35 hours
Part Title Estimated time
Q Project 1 ?
R Project 2 ?

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Page last modified on May 14, 2013, at 02:46 PM