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Introduction to Microcontroller Programming

About PICmicro Chips

Clocking Your PICmicro Devices


Flowcode Step By Step

PICmicro Projects


High Speed Simulation

So what you have you done so far?

  • You inserted an Output box in the flowchart.
  • You set it up to deliver a value of 1 to Port B.
  • You connected eight LED's to the eight bits of Port B.

Congratulations: you have completed your first program. Now let's see what happens when you run a simulation of this program.

Click on the 'Run' icon, the blue arrow on the main toolbar.

The Run icon looks like this:
If you blinked, you missed it!
The result is that the first LED lights, and there is a message saying that the simulation is completed.

What does it mean? The program outputted the number 1 and displayed it on the LED's. But you did not really see what happened.

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Page last modified on April 30, 2013, at 10:14 AM