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Other LCD Functions

There are a number of other useful functions in the LCD macro list:


Clears the display and resets the cursor (the position the display will print on next) to 0,0 - top left.


Moves the cursor to the specified location. This takes two parameters X and Y, corresponding to the horizontal and vertical position respectively. 0,0 is the top left position on the display. 0,1 is the first letter of the second line. 3,2 would represent the fourth letter of the third line.


This works like 'PrintString' but prints the number instead of the string. Can be used with variables, or actual numbers.

PrintNumber example:

If you add a Component Macro icon, select 'Cursor' and add 0,1 to the parameters. Create another Component Macro icon and select 'PrintNumber' with the parameter value as '123'. Finally create another and select 'PrintString' and add "Hello World" (with quotation marks) to the parameter.

Now click 'Run' to simulate the program, you should see results similar to this:

PrintASCII and Command

These are more advanced features that you will learn about later. For now you can ignore them.

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Page last modified on May 07, 2013, at 02:37 PM