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Types of MemoryThere are several types of electronic memory, each with a slightly different job to do. We can divide them into two main groups: Read Only Memory (ROM)
A PROM is a one-shot device. It arrives blank, ready to receive data. Data can then be 'burned' into it, but only once. After that it behaves like a ROM chip that can be read many times but not altered. With an EPROM shining ultraviolet light through a window in the top of the chip erases the contents. New data can then be 'burned' into the memory. Some older PICmicro devices operate in this way. The EEPROM devices work in a similar way to an EPROM, except that the contents are erased by sending in a special sequence of electrical signals to selected pins. 'Flash' memory is a form of EEPROM, widely used as the storage medium in digital cameras, (the memory stick) and in home video games consoles. Random Access Memory (RAM)