You are going to use switches to represent the heat sensors. A switch that is switched on is used to mimic a heat sensor that has triggered the fire alarm. You will use five switches to represent the five heat sensors.
- Click on the Inputs button and select the Switch Array Drag the switches into a suitable spot on the System Panel.
- Click once on the box next to the 'Count' property to change the value of the property, change the value to '5'. Ensure the component is connected to 'PORTA'
- Click once on the 'Step Into' button.
- The 'Simulation Debugger' window then appears, you can ignore this for now.
- Move the cursor over one of the switches and click. You will see the switch graphic toggle to a closed switch. This simulates causing a fire. click the Step Into button a couple more times to complete the program. You have just caused a fire, which has turned on that heat sensor. Notice that the LED array tells you, or the fire brigade, which sensor detected the fire.
The program is finished, and working.