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Choosing a Power Source

The first decision to make is battery power or mains power supply unit?

Batteries in various shapes, sizes and types Battery eliminator Bench power supply unit

Factors to consider:

  1. Supply voltage:
PICmicro microcontrollers require power supply voltages between 2V and 6V, depending on which PICmicro you are using. Both batteries and mains power supply units provide suitable voltages.
  1. Current demand:
This depends mainly on what the output device you use in the circuit. A few LED's or a 7-segment display draw currents of less than 100mA. On the other hand, a motor or a solenoid may require a few amps to operate. Very few batteries are capable of delivering currents greater than one amp. Even then, battery life will be drastically shortened by such a current demand. Mains power supply units can provide sufficient current, though not the 'battery eliminator' type.
  1. Physical size
For portable equipment, size and weight could be important considerations when choosing the power source. Provided the current demand is low, batteries are probably the best choice here.
  1. Cost
Mains power supply units have a high initial (purchase) cost, but low running costs. Batteries are a very expensive way to buy electricity!
  1. Availability of mains power
A crucial question, which may leave battery power as the only option!
  1. Health and safety
The mains electricity supply is potentially dangerous. Depending on who is going to use the control system, and where it is going to be used, batteries may be the best option.

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Page last modified on August 26, 2011, at 09:55 AM