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Rechargeable Batteries

Lead-acid batteries Nickel-cadmium batteries

A review:

Battery type Advantages Disadvantages
Lead-acid 'Gel-cell' Highest current driving capacity Damaged if left discharged for long periods
Can be left 'on-charge' Heavy and bulky
High charge capacity
Nickel-cadmium 'Ni-Cad' Can be recharged up to 3000 times Prone to 'memory effect'*
Widely available Not suitable for very low current applications
Higher energy density than lead-acid
Nickel-metal hydride 'NiMH' Can be recharged ~400 times Need a 'NiMH'-specific battery charger
High current driving capacity Loses charge quickly when not in use
Higher energy density than 'Ni-Cad's
Less prone to 'memory effect'*
Quick recharge time
Lithium-ion 'Li-ion' High energy density Very expensive
Hold charge for months Need a 'Li-ion'-specific battery charger
No 'memory effect'*
Light weight

*Memory effect - Can be damaged by repeated charging when not fully discharged.


  • In most cases, nickel-cadmium batteries will be the choice
  • Beware the memory effect! If you cannot rely on discharging your batteries each time, before you recharge them, consider using Lithium-ion batteries
  • For short periods of very high current demand, use lead-acid batteries, unless the weight is a problem.

Battery Do's & Don'ts (to maximize performance)


  • Properly "condition" the battery when it is new (i.e. fully charge/discharge for first 3 cycles)
  • Keep the battery and the contact terminals clean
  • Avoid exposing the battery to extreme heat and cold
  • If possible, avoid letting your battery sit dormant for long periods of time
  • Charge and re-condition a battery after an extended idle period

Don't s:

  • Drop the battery
  • Short-circuit the battery
  • Incinerate a battery. Dispose of it properly - it may contain toxic chemicals

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Page last modified on January 30, 2012, at 03:16 PM