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Largely simplified block schematic to demonstrate where the 'Timer 1' ('TMR1') is located in the PIC 16F1937 Architecture:


  • This timer interrupt is used to provide the PICmicro with exact timing info.
  • It is clocked by the system clock or by an external clock on RC0.
  • Either the external clock or the system clock can be divided by 1, 2, 4 or 8 by configuring the Prescaler of TMR1 in Flowcode.
  • This divided clock triggers the TMR1 to increment the TMR1 register.
  • This TMR1 register is a 16-bit register and will have an overflow when it reaches 65536.
  • On the exact moment when this overflow occurs, TMR1 generates an interrupt and the TMR1 register is set back to 0.
  • This TMR1 Interrupt will stop the main program immediately and start up the TMR1 Macro.
  • After the TMR1 Macro is finished, the main program goes further where it had left before.


External clock oscillator= XTAL: 19 660 800 Hz
System Clock= /4: 4 915 200 Hz
Set prescaler to 8= /8: 614 400 Hz
Overflow when TMR1 = 256= /256: 2400 Hz

Conclusion: In this situation, TMR1 will interrupt the main program and execute the TMR1 Macro 2400 times per second.

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Page last modified on May 14, 2013, at 09:10 AM