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Set up the Right Output

  1. Now follow the 'Yes' route from the 'Right switch pressed?' decision box.
  2. Double-click on the first (upper) Output icon you get to.
Set up the properties for this Output as shown in the next diagram:
Here are the alternatives for this Output:
As we want to light up the next LED in the array, the output port needs to turn on bit 1. One way to do that is to output the value '2 ' (=0000 0010 in binary.) The other way outputs 255 (= 1111 1111 in binary,) but only activates a single output bit, bit 1 in this case.
  1. Double-click on the second (lower) Output icon. Set up the properties as shown in the next graphic:

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Page last modified on June 14, 2013, at 02:08 PM