EB004 LED Board
More information can be found here.
EB004 LED Board Block Diagram
- Click EB004-30-2 for the datasheet.
- The male D-type connector fits into the Female connector of one of the ports of an upstream board.
- LED D0 and its series resistor R0 will be connected to pin 1 of the Male D-type connector
- The series resistor is here to control the current that will flow from PICmicro to the LED.
- A LED usually has an Imax of 20mA
- The PICmicro has an Imax of 25mA (sink or source)
- The LED has a Forward Voltage drop of 1.7V
- In this case the 560 Ohm resistor will limit the current at:
- (5V-1.7V)/560 Ohm= 5.9mA
- This is well under the current limits of both PICmicro and LED
- The Female connector is here to connect several boards in parallel. Be ware of the total current limit of the PICmicro if you do so.