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Switch Board EB007

EB007 SWITCH Board

More information can be found here.

EB007 SWITCH Board Block Diagram

  • Click EB007-30-1 for a datasheet.
  • The male D-type connector fits into the Female connector of one of the ports of an upstream board.
  • The Female connector is here to connect several boards in parallel.
  • Switch pressed:
    • Small current flow through 390R-SW and 4K7.
    • Voltage over 4K7 is +/- 4.7V is a clear '1' for the input pin of the PICmicro
  • Switch not pressed:
    • No current flow
    • No voltage over 4K7 resistor
    • This is a clear '0' for the input of the PICmicro
  • BEWARE!!!
    • All pins of the PICmicro can be configured either as an input or as an output.
    • This is where the resistor of 390R is important:
    • If you accidentally configure a pin as a low output and connect a switch to it then the 390R resistor limits the current into the PICmicro to (5V/390R) = 12mA.
    • Be aware of this when you design your own circuits!
    • This is well under the Imax of 25mA.
    • If the 390R resistor would not have been in this circuit, there would have been no current limitation at all resulting in at least a broken PICmicro microcontroller.
    • This is further explained in the drawing below. In this specific case the current will follow the orange path.

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Page last modified on December 22, 2011, at 09:42 AM