EB006 Multiprogrammer
More information can be found here.
EB006 Multiprogrammer Block Diagram
- Click here for the datasheet.
- Circuit Description:
- 5 Ports A-B-C-D-E
- Full 8 Bit functionality on PORT B-C-D
- 6 bit functionality on PORT A (8 bits if internal oscillator selected)
- 3 Bit functionality on PORT E
- Pins 1-8 are one-on-one connections with the pins of the corresponding port (e.g. Pin1 is connected to PB0, Pin 2 to PB1 etc.)
- Pin 9 of the D-type connector is always GND. This implies that ground will not have to be connected externally to the downstream boards.
- Power (5V) is not connected in the D-type connectors and needs to be connected externally to the downstream boards.
- This Board is USB programmable and uses a programming chip to do this. It takes care of the connection between Flowcode and the Target PICmicro.
- Power supply:
- Standard: from an external power supply. This external power supply should at least be 12V and should be able to deliver 300mA.
- USB Power supply: This board has the capability to be programmed and powered only by USB. You will need to change jumper settings and software settings to do so. The downside is that you will loose some pin functionality. Refer to the full datasheet for full info.
- The screw terminals on the board are here to provide the downstream boards with the correct power. In all of the cases in this course, this will be 5V. You can provide downstream boards with a stable 5V by connecting it to either of the two 5V screw terminals. GND does not have to be connected this way as it already is connected through pin 9 of the nine pole D-type connectors. Be ware of the 14V screw terminal. DO NOT connect it to a 5V downstream screw terminal.
- The Reset switch is connected to the PICmicro and if pressed, it will reset the PICmicro. The program in the PICmicro will start all over again every time you press the reset switch.
- Clocking:
- Every 4 clock-pulses, the PICmicro executes one single instruction. This implies that the external clock source that provides the PICmicro with these pulses actually determines the speed of the execution of the program.
- A single instruction is NOT the same as one Flowcode symbol. A Flowcode program is compiled into C and then into Assembly. One line of Assembly code is called 'a single instrucution'.
- Some Flowcode symbols are compiled into only a few assembly lines while others could easily be compiled into 50 or more assembly lines. You will have to look at the compiled assembly code to know the exact timing.
- For very fast operation: up to 20MHz
- In this course we will use a 19,660,800Hz Crystal.
- 19,660,800 / 1024 = 19200
- (19,660,800 / 1024) / 256 = 75
- Settings on the Multiprogrammer Board:
- Put SW2 in XTAL position, SW1 is disconnected.
- Settings in Flowcode:
- Build > Project Options... > Configure Select 'XTAL'
- For lower Frequencies - RC is not as stable as Crystal mode
- RC SLOW : 10Hz to 25Hz (Can be Changed by RV1)
- RC FAST : 600kHz to 1200kHz (Can be Changed by RV1)
- Settings on the Multiprogrammer Board:
- Put SW2 in RC position
- SW1 is used to select SLOW RC or FAST RC.
- Settings in Flowcode:
- Build > Project Options... > Configure Select 'RC
- Jumpers: There are quite a few possible jumper settings on this board that make it possible for the user to select a few things:
- External or USB power supply
- USB programmable - Low Voltage programming
- Use of an professional ICD2 In Circuit Debugger tool from Microchip
- If you use an external power supply, simply leave the jumper settings as on the drawing!