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Sensor Interface EB003

EB003 Sensor Interface Board

More information can be found here.

EB003 Sensor Interface Block Diagram

  • Click EB003-30-2 for the datasheet.
  • The male D-type connector fits into the female connector of one of the ports of an upstream board.
  • This board is developed for learning how to 'read' analogue inputs from analogue sensors and inputs from specific digital sensors.
  • The PICmicro can 'read' analogue voltages between VDD and VSS
  • The Analogue input is always converted by the PICmicro to a 10-bit Binary Value (0 -1023)
  • There are 2 analogue sensors on the board itself to experiment with:
    • An LDR (Light dependent resistor) on PIN 1
    • A Variable Resistor on PIN 2
  • External Analogue Sensors can be connected to J4 and their output is routed to the PICmicro on PIN 4
  • External Digital Sensors can be connected to J3, and their output is sent to the PICmicro on PIN 3. Some digital sensors are active and require a stimulus from the PICmicro. For these a signal from the PICmicro to the Digital Sensor is available on PIN 5
  • For normal usage, leave the jumpers in the Default position.
  • The Patch position is used to manually override the mapping of the pins.

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Page last modified on December 22, 2011, at 09:40 AM